Real Estate Perspectives
January 12, 2024 | Anne Matteucci | Real Producer Magazine

Featured on the Cover Real Producers | Top Producer Suzanne Powers

With a career volume of $553 million in just 16 years and a total volume of $58 million just last year, it’s no secret that Suzanne Powers is a true titan of industry.

With a career volume of $553 million in just 16 years and a total volume of $58 million just last year, it’s no secret that Suzanne Powers is a true titan of industry.

A member of the National Association of REALTORS®, Suzanne started her career in real estate in 2003. Before that, she found herself at a job in an entirely different field. As a Medical Device Manager, Suzanne was traveling often and slowly realizing that she was up for a change. “I met my husband and had two daughters and wanted to stay close to home for the girls instead of traveling all the time for business,” she said. When thinking of a career change, she chose realty because she thought she’d be really great at it. At the time, few people in the industry had a four-year college degree, so Suzanne thought the odds were in her favor. “I had an extensive business and relocation background coming from the Fortune 50 that was suited perfectly for real estate,” she said.


Growing up in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, Suzanne was raised by her stay-at-home mother and her father, who was a prominent physician in the area.

She attended the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and majored in public relations. A persistent and dedicated student, Suzanne put herself through college with three jobs.

“The biggest defining moment of my life was getting my first job out of college,” she said. “I was determined to become a pharmaceutical rep even though my GPA did not fit the minimum requirements. I received something like 50 rejection letters but never gave up on my dream job.

”During this time, Suzanne said she called, sent resumes, and traveled to medical conventions just to leave her resume with pharmaceutical companies. “It’s funny now reflecting upon this, but I guess that was my first door-knocking experience,” she said. “I would just go from company to company sitting outside of offices waiting to talk to anybody to get a shot at being interviewed.”


If there was ever a time in her life that Suzanne remembers fondly, it’s her childhood.

“I can say with confidence that my mom’s love for me and the experiences of my childhood defined who I am and why I do what I do,” she said. “I am grateful and proud of the struggles because the experiences there defined my strength as a person.

”As a young child, Suzanne developed courage, tenacity, and learned how to save money.

“When you have little to no money, it is a powerful lesson in learning how to save money,” she said. “Being smart with money enabled me to take the risks that have led to the creation of Powers Realty Group. Really knowing who I am and all of that confidence was born in the experiences of my childhood.”

Present-day, Suzanne is focused on getting everything right for the future of real estate.

“If you asked my daughter, who is an intern at Powers Realty Group, she’ll tell you that I’m driven to learn all I can in machine learning,” she said. “I am grateful she is on her way to MIT to help me.”


The most rewarding part of Suzanne’s career comes in three parts: The relationships she has with the agents that work at Powers Realty Group, helping to advance their careers while being their mentor, and being respected in her role as the CEO of a company.

“I am so proud that we are in the top 15 companies in the Metro MLS,” she said. “Small but mighty!” While she has lofty goals, Suzanne couldn’t be happier in her current career.

“Well, I am really lucky because I am living my dream every day,” she said. “I am a woman who started her own company and I am so fortunate that Milwaukee embraced my Boutique Style Company. I pinch myself every morning and give thanks to Milwaukee every day for my life here.” Because of this, she urges others to find joy in everyday tasks.

“Joy is success,” she said. “I am a happy person and am so grateful for all of the people in my life."

” Spending time with her family is one of Suzanne’s favorite pastimes. “I’ve been married to my husband, Richard, for 21 years,” she said. “We have two amazing daughters and live in Whitefish Bay. We love traveling together when we can, but the girls are both headed off to college now.

” While they don’t have any immediate trips planned, the family of four enjoys traveling together and going on new adventures.

“We have New York City and hiking Glacier National Park on the horizon for 2020, but I feel like we may sneak Greece and Portugal in there,” she said.


When it comes to giving back, Suzanne is a big fan of Habitat for Humanity and working with RESTORE. She also is a member of TEMPO Milwaukee and is on the Standards Committee for the Greater Milwaukee Association of REALTORS®.

Outside of giving to others, Suzanne likes to dedicate time to herself to workout. As an avid runner and weight lifter, she is religious about her workout routine at least four times per week.

“I am an early to bed early to rise person usually getting up at 5 am to do my daily morning routine,” she said.

REAL PRODUCER BY DAY, ROCKER BY NIGHT Something you might not know about Suzanne is her passion for music. A singer and lover of rock ‘n roll, she sang all throughout high school.

“I was the national choral award winner for the state and I wanted to join a rock band out of college, but my older sister talked me out of living life on the road,” she said. “No regrets because I became a pharmaceutical salesperson instead, which offered me lots of financial stability and great friends."

Along with her motto of no regrets, Suzanne would tell others in the real estate industry to always be a student and to never stop learning.

“Learn as much as you can every day and stay patient with your journey,” she said. “You have to put in the hours for success. There is no easy path here."

That said, Suzanne loves the people in her life, and that includes those she works with.

“Starting a company and running a company requires complete dedication,” she said. “You have to be committed to the work and the people. Win, lose or draw, I am dedicated to Powers Realty Group. It is the greatest love of my life.”

She hopes that someday, all of her hard labor will carry on.

“Honestly, I want the company to outlive me,” she said. “How I do that will be very important. I am very goal-orientated, so I am confident I will achieve this.”

A favorite quote of Suzanne’s goes hand in hand with her drive and dedication to her career.

" Never touch ANYTHING with half your heart"


“Thank you to Real Producers. Thank you for interviewing me and wanting me to be a part of this really special publication. I am so glad that we have a platform to come together across company lines. I think what you are doing for the industry in Milwaukee is really special.” —Suzanne Powers


#1 Agent in the State of Wisconsin — Real Trends 2019; Communicator Award for Website; and Shorewood Façade Award Winner for Shorewood Office Design.

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